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Eternity Road



Art & Design

Apophysis 7X and Ultra Fractal 5.04

Moody Blues - Eternity Road - [link]

Hark listen here he comes
Hark listen here he comes
Turning, spinning, catherine wheeling
For ever changing
There's no beginning
Speeding through a charcoal sky
Observe the truth we cannot hide

Travelling eternity road
What will you find there?
Carrying your heavy load
Searching to find a piece of mind.

You'll see us all around
You'll see us all around
Turning, spinning, catherine wheeling
For ever changing
There's no beginning
You're so very far from home
And so very much alone

Travelling eternity road
What will you find there?
Carrying your heavy load
Searching to find a piece of mind.

Travelling eternity road
What will you find there?
Carrying your heavy load
Searching to find a piece of mind.
Image size
1600x1200px 989.04 KB
© 2013 - 2024 Joe-Maccer
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